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​Reiki Healing (Usui) In Person and Long Distance

'Spiritual healing... not for the faint of heart'




Reiki energy is considered Universal Life Force Energy, it is intelligent and will go where it is needs to go in your body, mind or spirit. Reiki can be practiced long distance so if you are unable to see me in person you can still book a Reiki session with me.  You remain fully clothed and have the option of a hands on or hands off Reiki healing. Please note that I want my clients fully prepared for what a Reiki healing sessions with me is like. It's not conventionally pretty or easy to witness, hence I insist on a fully transparent conversation with you about what a Reiki healing journey with me is like.


Your investment - $100






​​Intuitive Massage and Bodywork


This type of body work session is intended for relaxation, to increase blood flow, to reduce body pain, and to bring about an improved sense of well being.​​​​​​​​  I use a blend of Swedish massage, deep tissue, acupressure, reflexology and self developed dearmouring techniques. You decide what level of dress is comfortable. I have a few essential oils to choose from is you are wanting to include a little aromatherapy. 


To those who menstruate... getting a relaxing massage before or even during your monthly bleed can help alleviate some of the physical symptoms associated with certain times in your cycle. 


Your investment $150







Tantric Massage & Shamanic Sexual Healing


This is based on ancient healing practice originating in the East at least 3000 years ago. Most of which originate from Taoism, Hinduism and Buddhism.  As the practitioner, I use touch that represents earth, water, fire, air and ether, in order to clear energetic blocks in your body. This increased flow encourages Kundalini Shakti (Life Force Energy) to rise up through your Chakras resulting in a heightened sense of clarity, a higher state of consciousness, a more sacred connection to your body and to your higher self/the Divine.  


The presence of Spirit is profound at times during these sessions which is why I describe them as 'shamanic'. The spirits join me in these sessions and work with me and through me, for the highest good.


The vast majority of clients who see me for Tantric massage and/or shamanic sexual healing suffer with various types of sexual dysfunction and other issues 'down there' (male and female), as well as those who have experienced sexual trauma in their past and/or for those who want to forge a better relationship to this part of their body.


We carry around so many negative emotions in our bodies when it comes to our sexual expressions and how we show up in the world as a sexual, creative being. By the time we are adults we have been conditioned by society, our families, the church and the media to hold certain beliefs about this part of our lives. Shame, guilt, regret and fear are just a few emotions that our energetic and physical bodies hold inside. A Tantric massage can help release these stuck emotions.


Sessions are ceremonious in nature. Meditation, breath work and intention setting are important elements of your Tantric 'Journey'. Touch is only ever one way, from me (the giver) to you (the receiver). I remain fully clothed at all times. Tantric massage can include genital massage (prostate, lingam and yoni) both external and internal. I work with all genders and all body types.  Informed consent and boundaries are discussed in great detail. Sessions are 2-2.5 hours long. 



Your investment - $250 per session,  or 3 sessions for $600. I recommend each session two weeks apart, but spacing is entirely up to you.​



If you are a couple who would like to know a little more about how to incorporate Tantric massage and principles into your relationship then please get in touch.  I do not consider myself a teacher of Tantra but I can give individuals and couples guidance and advice of many aspects of Tantric touch, including prostate, lingam and yoni massage.


You need to know that you are more than welcome to have someone present with you. I am proud of my work and how I help my clients and if having moral support makes it so you will come to see me then I want that to happen. 



Additional Healing Modalities


As of Novemmber 2024, I want to offer my clients two other healing opportunities that can be incorporated into their time with me.  Each of these will increase your financial investment by $50 and will add about 30 minutes to the total session time.



A Sacred Cacao Ceremony 

For those whose hearts need some healing


Yoni or Lingam (Genital) Steaming

For those who know there's more to heal than just the physical body 'down there'




Please note that I ask for full payment at the time of booking.  


















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